Replace current rituals with an equally wonderful experience.

Why is it that the New Year is the only time to kick an old habit.

What makes next month different? What’s so special about Monday?

Many of the changes that we would like to make in our lives; eating better, exercising more, reducing alcohol, caffeine and other unhealthy habits and relationships that we have been practising for years are now embedded into our patterns of behaviour. Unfortunately Monday won’t offer the massive change of habits that we need to move forward.

We know this right? That’s why we procrastinate, that’s why we like to  think that a shift that’s “happening on Monday” will fix it.

I can use myself as an example…

I used to drink coffee, that might sound like no big deal BUT, it’s the mindset. Despite knowing that coffee was giving me trouble with my digestion I loved it and continued drinking it daily.

I had this wonderful ritual in the morning that rotated around brewing my coffee, I loved this ritual so much that it didn’t matter how early the alarm call, my coffee ritual was part of a pattern of behaviour that made my morning. I would spend time buying the coffee, preparing, sitting down and drinking,  I really enjoyed the whole experience, despite the fact it was having this negative effect on my digestion and my nervous system. I spent money on herbalists, therapists to help the digestive issue, they all  suggested to stop coffee but I “couldn’t do it” because  it was the ritual I loved, not the coffee.

What to do!!!!

Solution, replace this ritual with an equally wonderful experience…I discovered and created a slightly elaborate chai tea, same experience, same time spent on brewing.. one ritual replaced by another. This time, no negative after effect. BOOM…3 years later no coffee.

Why am I telling you this!!?

Because we are creatures of habit. We love rituals, excel within patterns of behaviour.

Its got nothing to do with good intentions for Monday, next month, when the sun is out ..bla ..bla…it has everything to do with our rigid clinging on to the patterns and ways that we are used to, good or bad and our inability to change despite in some corner of the mind really wanting to improve our life and move forward.

In the same way that we have learnt the rituals and habits that keep us stuck in our current or unwanted patterns, we can put our focus and intention on the new things that will serve us better like the coffee and chai tea example.

YES it takes practice, patience, willpower and motivation. But with constant aim and effort, we can get there, and the view from the top of that metaphorical mountain is always worth it. From that standpoint, we know that we can achieve all the other goals on our list.

I know this is something many of us struggle with , this is why I include this transformational change as part of my wellness programmes.

My retreats are facilitated  spaces to reset, to face the change and create solutions.

Not just a few days “away from it all” but a change of perspective.

Supported by professionals we help you find you again, and reset patterns with life changing results.

Don’t wait for Monday, take that step today. Check the availability Events – Active Pada

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About Mickey

Mickey’s goal is to help people thrive by living better lives at work, home or play! Starting from the inside out.

Mickey is a Wellbeing Coach who knows how to get the most out of her students. Her unique, avant garde approach to good health leads to increased productivity and creativity in all aspects of life. She has over 30 years’ experience in wellness, human resources and training with an emphasis on impro