
The 12 Laws of The Universe

Inspired by a recent read “the 12 laws of the universe” by Aluwalia, Manhardeep Singh.

I felt it was relevant to share some of the insights. Without going into the details with all of the 12 Laws, I have picked out and highlighted some very relevant to yoga and I encourage you to get the book for more in-depth and enjoyable reading.

Understanding and applying the insights of the laws of the universe helps us to master life on all levels. I draw a comparison with the 8 limbs of yoga, showing how yoga philosophy draws from Yogis deep understanding of the laws of the universe and through the guidance of the 8 limbs of yoga how to apply these laws into our lives.

The 8th limb of yoga SAMADHI true bliss, enlightenment divine oneness is a state of being that is in balance with the laws of the universe.

Join the upcoming workshop 1 December 2024 relating the practice of yoga and the laws of the universe to incorporate into your daily life, raising your vibration, bringing joy and abundance into your life. Book here.

Please note I have made some direct comparisons and I have also lifted clear text from the book mentioned above to help interpretate where appropriate the meanings of each individual law.

Points to note on the meaning of LAW.

The meaning and nature of a LAW of the universe is defined as having a binding force or effect, that the forces exist and affect every being on the planet yet they are physically intangible.

These laws are boundless, existing everywhere just like air.

They are not affected by time, they have always and always will exist.

  1. The Law of Divine oneness. The first andfundamental, emphasising the interconnectedness of all things.

When we are in a group practice, you can experience the interconnectedness of the energy in the room. Just like life we are all on individual mats practising together.

“every single atom inside you is connected in some way or shape, or form to the rest of the universe you move through”

  • The law of Vibration. Modern science has shown us that solids and liquids have different vibrations, sound has different vibrations and the effect of which on our brain varies according to vibration. Feelings and emotions have a vibration. We can instinctively feel the feelings and vibrations of others and their moods.

How are you vibrating at this moment?

What are you thinking, feeling!?

Low vibrations; stress and anxiety, anger resentment,

High vibrations; optimistic, relaxed, grateful.

The asana practice of yoga helps us dislodge stresses and worries that lower our vibration from our body, creating space for higher vibrations.

If your goal is to live a more productive and fulfilling life the practices of  Niyamas ( codes for Nobel living ) and the Yamas ( qualities for living), and how these guidelines raise your vibration.

  • The Law of attraction. Following on from the law of vibration, same frequency attracts similar frequency and vibrations , therefore if you are vibrating at a low frequence- stressed, anxious angry and frustrated this is what will be attracted towards you .

When you keep the vibration high you will see what will be attracted towards you. Maintaining a positive outlook towards ourselves and our relationships to others raises our vibration, manifestation alone will not attract what we want without raising the vibration at the same time. 

Stop complaining about what is lacking and start being grateful for the abundance in your life, attracting more like a magnet. Start today, choose to live more positively.

  • The Law of correspondence. Niyamas- TAPAS purification and self-discipline. Your thinking, beliefs and feelings directly correspond to your perception in the physical world. Chaos and troubles on the outside are often a reflection of what is happening on the inside, when life is calm and grounded, we can see that internally we are more at peace. The Niyamas ( codes for noble living ) emphasise the importance of purification of the body and purification of thought and mind in order to respond to the circumstances and challenges life sets us.
  • The Law of action. You must take action to get results. Vibration is a big piece of the puzzle, but it takes inspired action to get the results.

In order for the law of attraction to work you need to also practice the law of action.

ASANA practice, the 3rd limb of yoga (The physical practice) challenging but an opportunity for calmness, compassion and ease through movement and the benefits of being physically able and high energy to power your actions.

  • The Law of Cause and Effect. The principal that intentions and actions influence ones future. The law of Karma. Going back to the law of oneness and correspondence we know that every action has a reaction in some way. Positive actions like service to others, giving money to charity comes back to us in abundance, similarly stealing, cruelty, aggression comes back to us. We need to be aware of this law to help us take responsibility for our actions. The first limb of yoga YAMAS (qualities for living).

You can see how as we go through the LAWS that they are all interconnected, nothing is in isolation.

  • The Law of Compensation. “The unrealistic expectation that things will always be the same” everything in the universe is in constant motion. Good times or bad times, everything is constantly in motion, and you have the ability to affect the situation at any given time.
  • The law of perpetual transmutation of energy. Energy flows where attention goes. Activating your power of thought on a situation, circumstances have a direct affect on the outcome of any given situation, good or bad.
  • The Law of relativity. Its all about perspective, how you view yourself, the situation comparing, judging it to other situations is all relative. No matter how much you have, its never enough!!. Contentment helps to create balance in this law.
  • The Law of Polarity. Everything has an opposite. Yin and Yang, one cannot exist without the other.
  • The law of rhythm. Nothing is permanent, the sun rises and sets, the earth revolves around the sun. The cycle of tides, season, natures patterns and rhythm is everywhere. Aligning yourself with the rhythm of nature creates harmony , instead of battling against natural order, creating conflict.
  • The law of gender. The energy of masculine and feminine is required as part of creation. No creation is possible without the balance of female and male energies. Embracing both female and male energies creates balance.

About Mickey

Mickey’s goal is to help people thrive by living better lives at work, home or play! Starting from the inside out.

Mickey is a Wellbeing Coach who knows how to get the most out of her students. Her unique, avant garde approach to good health leads to increased productivity and creativity in all aspects of life. She has over 30 years’ experience in wellness, human resources and training with an emphasis on impro