Yoga For Women.

Women and yoga go together like tea and toast. About 70% of those who practice yoga (western culture) are women, we are attracted to it for many reasons; relaxation, maintain energy, fitness and flexibility as well as nurturing our spirit, inner awareness and strength. I have been practising yoga for over 30 years, and there […]
The 12 Laws of The Universe

Inspired by a recent read “the 12 laws of the universe” by Aluwalia, Manhardeep Singh. I felt it was relevant to share some of the insights. Without going into the details with all of the 12 Laws, I have picked out and highlighted some very relevant to yoga and I encourage you to get the […]

The problem was that in our culture here we are encouraged to be BUSY all the time, as if BUSY is a good thing. We believe that there is no time, that apps and technology can do all the work for us so that we can relax and enjoy life. But look around, I don’t see many people relaxing and enjoying themselves, they are all too busy.
I see fatigue, depression, sickness not wellness, confinement not freedom. I see rules, prisons, boredom and disillusion. And a desperate need to CHANGE.
One Giant Leap….Plans for your good health 2024.

Inner Peace, harmony, total balance and understanding of who I am and how I should live.
All the pieces of the puzzle in life reside here.Without a Spiritual practice there is no lasting inner peace. Without a connection to the Higher Soul, to something more than this physical plane there is only flux, unrest and complicated desire.

There is nothing more valuable than good health. There is nothing that makes us happier than positive relationships with other people and the environment we live in. These are lifelong facts, this is not a new concept, we all know this, don’t we? Yes, money, success and the material gifts it can bring offers big […]
The Power of Retreats

What is a retreat in 2023 ? Why should I go on a retreat? What can I expect. Why are Mickey and activepada retreats becoming increasingly popular? …We get the results our clients are looking for over and over again. Retreats are nothing new in concept, however this side of the pandemic retreat holidays have […]